Monday, November 25, 2013

A Thankful Heart

Today Mikey would not take a nap. Normally, when Mikey asks me to lay down next to him in his bed to snuggle, I tell him it's time to take a nap, and we can snuggle later. Mommy has many things to do during naptime. Naptime is valuable time. But today I snuggled when he asked. Today I held him close just like he wanted. You see, today I read about a little boy named Liam on a Facebook page, Link Up for Liam. This precious little boy battled a brain tumor, and was on the road to recovery when he unexpectedly died in the hospital. As far as I had read, they still were not sure why he died, as the cancer was gone and the tests and x-rays they had performed prior to his death were not revealing anything that would have caused him to die. I read his mother's heartbroken words on his page as she shared her anger and anguish with all the people that followed his story. It's heartbreaking when I read story after story of mothers and fathers saying goodbye to their children way too early. That's the thing about social networks–had Facebook never been invented, I most likely would have never heard most of the stories of children fighting and losing their battles to these horrible childhood diseases. In a way, it's hard because of all the sad stories we can see, but it's also amazing to be able to pray over all these children and families that you would otherwise never have known about. It also gives me a clearer picture on how blessed I am to have my two healthy children, and not to take them for granted. No one in this world, regardless of age, is promised to be here tomorrow.

I snuggled Mikey when he asked today, when he should have been taking his nap, because in many places in this world, there are moms wishing they, too, could snuggle their little boys or girls close. In honor of the mothers with empty arms, I held my sweet boy close. In honor of the lost babies and children, I will appreciate my children with all my heart. I will hold them close when they ask, when they hold their little arms out for me, begging for me to show them my love. Will Mikey get away with this every naptime? No, of course not. But today I just really needed to hold him close in honor of sweet little Liam and his heartbroken mother. Liam, though I did not know him, or even hear of him until after he left this world, touched my heart and gave me an even greater appreciation for one of the greatest gifts ever given to me–my children. So moms, hold your children close. Give them an extra hug and let them know they are very much loved and appreciated. And if you've ever lost a child, know that your pain is being prayed for, and my children are being hugged and loved on in your honor.

RIP Liam. May you live forever in our hearts.

My Blessings <3

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